10 Best Ship Modules in Helldivers 2 – Best Upgrades

Upgrades Divers! Upgrades

Your primary weapon will eventually prove inadequate as you move up the difficulty levels for missions in Helldivers 2, even when hitting most of your shots, you’ll still get overrun. You’ll find that stratagems, which include an array of support items like orbital barrages and heavy weaponry, are necessary to counter the hordes of Terminids (Bugs) and Automatons (Bots). But at the highest difficulties, even stratagems can fall short as hundreds of bugs or bots will attack in unison and heavies like Bile Titans and Chargers will appear more frequently. At the Impossible and Helldive difficulties, a carefully planned loadout and strategically upgraded stratagems can make all the difference. That is precisely where the Helldivers 2 Ship Modules come into play

Best Ship Modules in Helldivers 2

Ship modules are upgrades for your ship that offer buffs to your stratagems such as lower cooldown times, increased health and ammo, and quicker deployment times. Strategically selecting ship modules is crucial since they have to be purchased using Samples that have to be collected in missions and the rare variety can only be found in higher-difficulty missions. Exceptional marksmanship and understanding of game mechanics are standard for surviving the highest difficulties of any game, however, in Helldivers effective selection and upgradation of ship modules are also irrefutably important if your goal is to survive those missions. Here is our list of the best ship upgrades to help you spread democracy and freedom on even the most hostile planets.

Donation Access License

How to Unlock: 60 Common Samples

Whether it’s dishing out high damage to a Charger or Bile Titan with the Rail Gun, or pushing back a horde of smaller bugs with the Machine Gun, support weapons are essential for most difficult feats in Helldivers 2. With the sheer numbers and intensity with which enemies attack, your weapons are practically inhaling ammunition, especially support weapons. The Donation Access License ship module is among the first upgrades you should buy for your destroyer as it is relatively cheap and will help you progress quicker by solving your ammo scarcity problem. You’ll need just 60 common green samples to get this ship module which is doable at lower difficulties.

Streamlined Request Process

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples and 40x rare orange samples

Prerequisite: Donation Access license ship module.

Your reliance on Heavy support weapons like the Expendable Anti-Tank, Recoilless Rifle, Rail Gun, and Autocannon on higher difficulties will increase as you face the strongest enemies in Helldivers 2 like Automaton Tanks and Bile Titans more frequently. Though additional ammunition will come in handy, once it runs out, the cooldown time on your stratagem is liable to get you killed. The higher the difficulty, the harder it will be to repel hordes and dodge Chargers with just your primary.

The Streamlined Request Process ship module will make your life a bit easier as it will grant a 10% reduction in all support weapon stratagem cooldown times. A few seconds saved on cooldown time can make all the difference when you’re about to be swarmed by hundreds of Hunters or crushed by a Charger. To get this ship upgrade, sure is pricey, but worth it if you want to succeed in more challenging missions.

Synthetic Supplementation

How to Unlock: 60x common green samples and 10x rare orange samples.

See a horde coming from the distance? Need to set up a defensive position? Need to cover a flank? The applications for sentries are endless and the Synthetic Supplementation ship module is great as it reduces cooldown for Sentry, Emplacement, and Resupply stratagems by 10%. Sure, having a good arsenal and aim is crucial, but even with great aim and leveraging all the weapons on your person for their full effect won’t get you past the finish line in high-difficulty missions.

Sentry stratagems can make your life much easier. Effective use of Sentries requires you to be strategic. For example, if you see a location you have to clear out in the distance then soften up the targets with a Mortar Sentry, if you see a horde of lighter enemies coming right for you then plant a Gatling Sentry to mow them down before they get close.

You can also mess up your situation by planting the wrong Sentry, for example, if bugs surround you and they are up close with you in your perimeter, it is best not to call a Mortar Sentry as it will probably kill you and your team while attempting to kill the bugs or bots near you. Once you get better at selecting the proper Sentries and Placement areas, Synthetic Supplementation will enhance your combat effectiveness much more as you will be able to call your sentries and placements more frequently. Of course, the reduced Resupply Stratagem cooldown is a great bonus as well.

Advanced Construction

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples, 60x rare orange samples, and 5x super pink samples in addition to Synthetic Supplementation Module

So you’ve been through the trenches, spent the hours, and completed missions at higher difficulties (7 and above) to the point that you have collected some pink samples, respect. It means that you’re probably decent at properly choosing and placing your Sentry stratagems. At this point, you should consider purchasing the Advanced Construction ship module as it will increase the health of Sentry stratagems by 50%. Combining a health buff with your proficiency in using Sentries will make a huge difference since well-placed sentries are like good teammates and who doesn’t want a good teammate to stick around for longer? This upgrade is especially useful for when the enemy is right on top of you, Advanced construction will grant your Sentries to endure enemy damage for longer. Without it, you’re likely to lose your automated teammates when you need them most. This ship module is definitely pricey but still one of the Best Ship Modules in Helldivers 2.

Targeting Software Upgrade

How to Unlock: 60x common green samples

Orbital stratagems are the Helldivers 2 spin on what you can expect from bombers or high-altitude support aircraft like the AC-130 gunship in conventional warfare. We’ve all seen our share of movies and games where airstrikes go wrong and miss, or worse, kill the good guys, same with Orbital stratagems. Orbital stratagems like the Airburst Strike, Railcannon Strike, and Walking Barrage are high risk – high reward. This means if you get Orbital strikes right, you can wipe out entire hordes, buildings, hives, and titans due to their massive damage in an instant; get them wrong and your squad gets wiped or the target gets away.

The problem with Orbital stratagems is that once called using a beacon, they do not drop instantaneously, there is a delay, so you have to anticipate where the enemy is going to be once that deployment time is over. The Targeting Software Upgrade ship module is a must if you want to stop missing your targets and killing your teammates while using Orbital stratagems, as it grants a 1-second reduction to deployment time for all Orbital stratagems. This ship upgrade is not a substitute for the skill you must develop to use Orbital Stratagem effectively, but you’ll hit those Bile Titans and Dropships more often with this equipped. This ship module is a decent bargain for the improvement it will bring to your Orbital stratagems.

Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples

Eagle stratagems are simply awesome. Eagle stratagems are the Helldiver 2 spin on close air support, the kind you would expect from an A-10 Warthog in conventional warfare. These stratagems are much better than Orbital stratagems for a few reasons, they have no deployment times (delays), small cooldown times (15 sec), and multiple uses (2 – 4) before the Eagles have to rearm.

The standard rearm time for Eagles is 150 seconds which is still less than the cooldown times between singular Orbital strikes. These attributes make Eagles much better offense stratagems with a much smaller learning curve. The Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit ship module makes the Eagle stratagems even better by reducing stratagem cooldowns by 50%. So now a 15-second cooldown time will be reduced to a mere 7 seconds before you can call in another Eagle Strike. This ship module is cheaper in cost compared to others but delivers a Bang for your Buck.

Pit Crew Hazard Pay

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples and 40x orange rare samples

As the name implies, this ship module makes your ship’s Eagle Pit crew work harder. More specifically, the Pit Crew Hazard Pay ship module will reduce the Eagle Rearm time by 20%. So now a 150-second Rearm time will be reduced to 120 seconds. Having your Eagle stratagems become available sooner can make all the difference in the highest difficulties, whether you’re trying to cut down a bug horde or take down an Automoton Tank, having your Eagle Strikes available 20 seconds earlier will often come in clutch. Getting this ship module will set you back 80 common green samples and 40 orange rare samples, and you must also have the Liquid Ventilated Cockpit module unlocked.

Expanded Weapons Bay

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples, 80x rare orange samples, and 10x super pink samples

If you like the Eagle stratagems as much as we do, then you’re gonna love this ship module. The Expanded Weapons Bay ship module will grant you one additional use for each Eagle stratagem in your arsenal, each time the Eagles Rearm. To get this Ship upgrade, you will need to shell out 80 common green samples, 80 rare orange samples, and 10 super pink samples. In addition to those samples, you will need to have the Pit Crew Hazard Pay module already unlocked. This ship module is definitely pricey, but once acquired, you’ll have the whole package as far as Eagle stratagem upgrades are concerned. With an additional charge for every rearm, lower Rearm times, and cooldown times, you’ll be incentivized to play offense in even the most hostile zones of a planet.

Dynamic Tracking

How to Unlock: 60x common green samples and 20x rare orange samples.

Sentry stratagems are a game-changer in Helldivers 2, a well-positioned Gatling Sentry can mow down an entire horde, a mortar Sentry can soften up a Titan, and a guard dog Sentry can act as a decent extra teammate. The standard deployment time for sentries is three seconds which might not sound like a lot, but when the fight gets up close and you are about to be overrun by bugs or bots, each second can mean life and death. The Dynamic Tracking ship module significantly reduces the deployment time of the Sentry stratagem, improving your odds of turning the tide in a losing battle.

Shock Absorption Gel

How to Unlock: 80x common green samples, 40x rare orange samples, and 5x super pink samples.

Your Sentries are only useful until they shoot and this ship module ensures that you get twice the bang for your buck. Never will you find yourself not overwhelmed by the sheer number of bots and bugs attacking you and you will constantly have to relocate as you reload the weapons on your person. The Shock Absorption Gel ship module will grant a 50% ammo increase to all of your Sentry stratagems, keeping them in the fight for much longer, and allowing you to have a much easier time holding your ground and advancing on enemy territory. This ship upgrade is relatively expensive but is worth the money on the highest difficulties where every little advantage can make all the difference. You must also unlock the Dynamic Tracking ship module before you can unlock this one.

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Saad Masood
Saad Masood
Articles: 20