Elden Ring is one of the most unique gaming experiences you can treat yourself to. From a myriad of great bosses to a wider selection of weapons and weapon classes than any other game, Elden Ring offers a variety of playstyles to choose from. If you have chosen to be a Gigachad with a strength build, we have a list of all the best strength weapons in Elden Ring for you.
As we said earlier, your choice of weapon will drastically alter how you experience the game. Choosing a Dexterity or Intelligence-based weapon can make the game easier but choosing a strength weapon is usually a high-risk high-reward approach. You will be able to deal massive damage with a single hit but you will be slow. This also means that you will need to massively invest in your Vigor and Strength stat. This list will go over the 10 best Strength weapons in Elden Ring, their requirement, stats, and how to get them.
Top 10 Best Strength Weapons in Elden Ring
We have listed 10 of the best strength weapons (STR) in Elden Ring along with all the details we could provide such as stats and requirements. Note that the weapons are not necessarily in any order based on their performance. We have chosen these weapons based on their popularity among the fanbase and various other factors.
Ruin Greatsword

Most of the weapons on this list scale purely with your strength stat, making the Ruins Greatsword a unique addition to your arsenal. It is a colossal sword that deals magic and physical damage. However, you do not need to level up your intelligence beyond the required level of 16 INT. The weapon’s damage will instead scale with the weapon’s level and your strength stat. This makes it a great option for strength users who also want to deal magic damage against enemies weak to magic.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 124 | Physical | 82 | STR | 50 | B |
FP Cost | 25 | Magic | 37 | Magic | 56 | DEX | 0 | |
Weight | 23 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 50 | INT | 16 | E |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 50 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 50 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 0 | Guarded Boost | 56 |
How to Get Ruins Great Sword:
To get your hands on Ruins Greatsword, you must defeat a duo of optional bosses in southern Caelid. You can only access this boss fight before or after the Radahn Festival. You will have to defeat the Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior in the Redmane Castle Plaza. Prioritize taking out the Misbegotten Warrior first and the rest of the fight should be easy enough.
Giant Crusher

What is more satisfying than bonking enemies with a giant hammer in a game as serious as Elden Ring? Answer – nothing at all. The Giant Crusher as the name implies is a Colossal Weapon shaped like a hammer. This is a pure strength weapon with an initial scaling of C. This is also one of the few weapons that can achieve an S scaling with strength upon infusing as Heavy. AS good as this weapon may be, it requires whopping 60 points in strength which means this is a strictly a late-game weapon.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Weapon | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Strike | Physical | 155 | Physical | 88 | STR | 60 | C |
FP Cost | 9 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 52 | DEX | 0 | |
Weight | 26.5 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 52 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 52 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 52 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 58 |
How to Get the Giant Crusher
You can obtain the Giant Crusher once you have made it to Lyndell the Royal Capital. It can be found in an abandoned carriage near the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.
Great Stars

Great Stars is one of the few strength weapons in Elden Ring that can inflict bleed damage upon enemies. It also has a unique trait which restores your HP for every Hit you deliver. This weapon primarily scales with strength and Dexterity making it an ideal choice for all Quality Build users in Elden Ring.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Great Hammer | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Strike | Physical | 135 | Physical | 68 | STR | 22 | D |
FP Cost | 7 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 36 | DEX | 12 | D |
Weight | 10 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 36 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 36 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 36 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 44 |
How to Get Great Stars
You can get the Great Stars in the Altus Plateau region of Elden Ring. It can be found in a chest on the back of a carriage between the Bridge of Iniquity Site of Grace and the Road of Iniquity Side Path Site of Grace.

Zweihander is one of the more iconic weapons in Elden ring that has been a part of the Fromsoft games since the Dark Souls 1. It is a colossal sword and can be easily acquired very early in the game. Thus many newcomers to the game might ignore this weapon but it is an exceptional strength weapon that can be infused with an ash of war as well as enhanced frost or blood. Being an early-game weapon, it comes with low stats requirements making it an excellent choice for a strength build from the start of the game.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 141 | Physical | 67 | STR | 19 | D |
FP Cost | 5 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 40 | DEX | 11 | D |
Weight | 15.5 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 40 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 40 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 40 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 45 |
How to Get Zweihander
Zwiehander can be purchased from a merchant in the Weeping Peninsula near the Tombsward Cave for 3500 runes.
Prelate’s Inferno Crozier

The Prelate’s Inferno Crozier is a colossal weapon that has been fashioned into a giant fiery hammer. It has great stats overall but its primary strength resides in its Ash of War. The Ash of War is essentially a slam attack followed by a charge where you drag the hammer through rows of enemies and scoop them up in a fiery throw. You also have a choice to change the ash of war on this weapon but we would recommend against it.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Weapon | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Strike | Physical | 156 | Physical | 82 | STR | 45 | C |
FP Cost | 7 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 49 | DEX | 8 | E |
Weight | 23 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 49 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 49 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 49 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 55 |
How to Get Prelate’s Inferno Crozier
You can get the Prelate’s Inferno Crozier by defeating a mini-boss the Fire Prelate inside Fort Laiedd. He is on Mount Gelmir near the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace.
Grafted Blade Greatsword

Grafted Blade Greatsword is a nod to the Iron Throne from the popular TV Show Game of Thrones and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire. It is only apt given the author of the book series – George R.R. Martin is also the writer for the Elden Ring. Aside from referencing a Fan-favorite series, the Grafted Blade is one of the best strength weapons in Elden Ring. That can be acquired fairly early in the game. However, you will need to invest in your strength stat heavily.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 162 | Physical | 80 | STR | 40 | C |
FP Cost | 9 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 48 | DEX | 14 | E |
Weight | 16 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 48 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 48 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 48 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 53 |
How to Get Grafted Blade Greatsword
To get the Grafted Blade Greatsword, you must defeat the Leonine Misbegotten Boss at the southmost end of the Castle Morne in the Southern Weeping Peninsula.

You must have noticed several references to the Berserk Manga throughout Elden Ring’s Open World. One such nod is this pure strength weapon – a colossal sword. It looks eerily similar to the giant sword wielded by Guts the protagonist of Berserk. You can acquire this weapon early on in the game. However, you will have to put some points in your strength stat as it requires 31 strength and scales primarily with it. It is one of the best strength weapons in the Elden Ring that you can carry till the end of the game.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 164 | Physical | 84 | STR | 31 | C |
FP Cost | 5 (-8) | Magic | 0 | Magic | 50 | DEX | 12 | E |
Weight | 23.0 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 50 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 50 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 51 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 56 |
How to Get the Greatsword
You can gab the Greatsword once you have reached the Caelid region of Elden Ring. You can venture into this region very early in the game as it directly east of the starting region. The Greatsword can be found inside a carriage northwest of Caelem Ruins. However, beware as almost every enemy in this area can one-shot you if you are too under-leveled.
Godslayer’s Greatsword

Godslayer’s Greatsword is one of the more unique weapons in the game. Despite being a Colossal Sword, it has relatively faster animations and added fire damage that will continue to wear down your opponent’s HP for damage over time. This weapon has a unique Weapon Skill, The Queen’s Black Flame which will unleash a wave of black flame for AOE damage. The weapon has high stat requirements for strength, faith, and dexterity. This means it is not a pure strength weapon but it does scale with strength when upgraded.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 119 | Physical | 63 | STR | 20 | D |
FP Cost | 15 (-15) | Magic | 0 | Magic | 38 | DEX | 22 | D |
Weight | 17.5 | Fire | 77 | Fire | 49 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 38 | FAI | 20 | D | ||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 38 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 45 |
How to Get the Godslayer’s Greatsword
You can find this weapon in the Divine Tower of Caelid in a treasure chest that is guarded by the Godskin Apostle. The Godskin Apostle is a tough Boss fight but the rewards are worth the challenge.
Starscourge Greatsword

Starscourge Greatsword is the pair of iconic swords wielded by the Starscourge General Radahn. We say pair because when you two hand this weapon, it will produce another sword for your off-hand and allow you to dual wield. This is extremely rare for greatswords or colossal swords. The Active skill for this weapon is the Starcaller Cry, which pulls in a bunch of enemies and slams them into the ground. This weapon deals additional damage to gravity-based enemies like Astel, The Fallingstar beast and Allabaster Lords.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Colossal Sword | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Standard | Physical | 129 | Physical | 65 | STR | 38 | D |
FP Cost | 20 | Magic | 83 | Magic | 47 | DEX | 12 | D |
Weight | 20 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 34 | INT | 15 | E |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 34 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 34 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 52 |
How to Get Starscourge Greatsword
You can get the Starscourge Greatsword by defeating general Radahn during the Radahn Festival and trading his remembrance to Enia for the weapon.
Brick Hammer

Probably the one Strength weapon with the highest base damage output is the Great Hammer called Brick Hammer. It has slow attack animation but you will be guard breaking enemies with every other hit. It has a high strength scaling and an active scale that buffs your attack by 10%.
Information | Stats | Attributes | ||||||
Type | Great Hammer | Attack Power | Guarded Damage Negation | Attribute | Requirement | Scaling | ||
Attack Type | Strike | Physical | 122 | Physical | 74 | STR | 31 | B |
FP Cost | 16 | Magic | 0 | Magic | 40 | DEX | 0 | |
Weight | 12.5 | Fire | 0 | Fire | 40 | INT | 0 | |
Lightning | 0 | Lightning | 40 | FAI | 0 | |||
Holy | 0 | Holy | 40 | ARC | 0 | |||
Critical | 100 | Guarded Boost | 48 |
How to Get Brick Hammer
The Brick hammer can be looted off a corpse in the Stormveil Castle. It is located in wondow above the wooden door that you need to unlock with the Rusty Key. Simply Climb up the ladder and follow the path to the ledge outside the windows.