Hardly any other game has gone through as many changes as Cyberpunk 2077. The way its far from perfect launch left more than a few things to be desired, it was up to the modding community to enhance the player experience of the game. We saw dozens of interesting and useful Cyberpunk 2077 mods that did just that. However, with the later patches and updates, many of the features that were only accessible from mods, have now been integrated into the core gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077. Hence in this list we will be looking at the best Cyberpunk 2077 mods that are still useful and compatible with the 2.1 update.
How To Install Mods for Cyberpunk 2077
Before you start modding Cyberpunk 2077, we recommend backing up the main folder and your save files. All of the mods can be installed by either manually extracting the mod files into the bin folder or using a mod manager. Always read the description of a mod before downloading it to know if it has any specific requirements for installation. We will be linking the individual mods and the required tools below.
Best Cyberpunk 2077 Mods
We have listed the 6 best mods for Cyberpunk 2077 along with their links and a description of what makes them useful. We also recommend heading over to the Nexus Mods to check out various other Cyberpunk mods for yourself.
Immersive First Person

Cyberpunk 2077 already has a pretty good first-person view but you can take it even further. This mod improves the first-person view. You can now clearly see your torso allowing you to enjoy your outfits with full immersion. The camera only activates when you aim down so that it doesn’t affect your gameplay. This mod also adds a free look to allow you to look around without moving your body.

Have you ever wished you could use the Sandevistan while also being able to use Quickhacks? Or have both the Mantis Blades and Gorilla Arms? Well, the Cyberware-EX mod lets you do just that. This mod adds extra cyberware slots allowing you to use multiple types of cyberware simultaneously. However, this is not a mod that will make you overpowered without any work. You will have to unlock the extra slots by either spending perk points or credits. This mod also does not remove the limit on your cyberware capacity so you will have to be selective about which cyberware you install.
Limited HUD
With all the changes that have been made to Cyberpunk 2077 in update 2.1, one problem persists – the ever-present HUD. You must have found it a bit annoying that there always seems to be an active quest or job under the minimap even if you are simply out exploring the world.
The Limited Hud mod allows you to customize your HUD and even change it to a much more minimalized version to make the world feel a bit more immersive.
Stealth Finishers
The 2.0 update added a lot of new finishers to Cyberpunk 2077 but the animation for stealth takedowns was still the same. This Cyberpunk mod gives you the option to execute a stealth finisher whenever you approach an enemy undetected.
It is a fairly simple mod but adds depth to stealth combat making combat more immersive. This is precisely what earns it a spot on our list of best Cyberpunk 2077 mods.
Night City ALIVE
As the name suggests, this mod makes the Night City feel more alive and active. It does that by increasing the gang members’ activities throughout the night city. Night City is often described as a dangerous place overrun by violent gangs and after installing this mod you will be able to witness it for yourself. You will often come across Valentinos or Tiger Claws clashing or fighting the cops.
Infinite Attribute Reset – REDmod
With the changes CDPR made to the perk and attribute systems in the 2.0 update, they also introduced a feature that lets you reset all your attribute points once per gameplay. Once you have used the attribute reset it goes away in the base game but this mod lets you keep it indefinitely. This means you can reset your attribute and change your build whenever you want.