V’s stash wall in Cyberpunk is a great means to keep track of the legendary weapons that you find through your playthrough and is just a good personal side objective to have in addition to the obvious ones like the story missions, side gigs, and taking a swing at all the available endings at the end of your playthrough, etc; since each of them has unique stats, attributes, and peculiarities which may suit your unique playstyle. Finding the legendary weapons earlier in the game will cause them to have a lower tier, however, you can pick some favourites and upgrade them as you go using crafting components obtained from dismantling weapons and clothes, as well as looting containers, bags, and fallen enemies.
All of the Weapons for V’s Stash Wall
No. | Weapon | Type | Class | Major Stats |
1 | Malorian Arms 3516 | Pistol | Power | 124 Damage Per Hit+150% Headshot Multiplier +50% Armor Penetration |
2 | Overwatch | Sniper Rifle | Power | 215 Damage Per Hit+300% Headshot Multiplier +50% Armor Penetration |
3 | Mox | Shotgun | Power | 404 Damage Per Hit+85% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
4 | Byakko | Katana | Blade | 148 Damage Per Hit+25% Armor Penetration |
5 | Errata | Katana | Blade | 133 Damage Per Hit+25% Armor Penetration |
6 | Nehan | Knife | Throwable | 96 Damage Per Hit2.8 Return Time+150% Headshot Multiplier |
7 | Satori | Katana | Blade | 133 Damage Per Hit+25% Armor Penetration |
8 | Jinchu-Maru | Katana | Blade | 148 Damage Per Hit+25% Armor Penetration |
9 | Blue Fang | Knife | Throwable | 106 Damage Per Hit7 Return Time +150% Headshot Multiplier |
10 | Headhunter | Knife | Throwable | 106 Damage Per Hit3.5 Return Time +150% Headshot Multiplier |
11 | Crash | Revolver | Power | 128 Damage Per Hit+200% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
12 | La Chingona Dorada | Pistol | Power | 128 Damage Per Hit+200% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
13 | Skippy | Pistol | Smart | 40 Damage Per Hit+85% Headshot Multiplier1.2 sec Lockon Time |
14 | Archangel | Revolver | Power | 128 Damage Per Hit+200% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
15 | Plan-B | Pistol | Power | 67 Damage Per Hit+200% Headshot Multiplier |
16 | Seraph | Pistol | Power | 117 Damage Per Hit+150% Headshot Multiplier |
17 | Sasquatch’s hammer | Hammer | Blunt | 527 Damage Per Hit+75% Armor Penetration |
18 | Bloody Maria | Shotgun | Power | 345 Damage Per Hit+85% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
19 | Moron Labe | Assault Rifle | Power | 51 Damage Per Hit+85% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
20 | Lexington x-MOD2 | Pistol | Power | 47 Damage Per Hit+175% Headshot Multiplier |
21 | Buzzsaw | SMG | Power | 40 Damage Per Hit+100% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
22 | Psalm 11:6 | Assault Rifle | Power | 38 Damage Per Hit+100% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
23 | The Headsman | Shotgun | Power | 245 Damage Per Hit+200% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
24 | Sovereign | Shotgun | Power | 263 Damage Per Hit+85% Headshot Multiplier+75% Armor Penetration |
25 | Dying Night | Pistol | Power | 47 Damage Per Hit+125% Headshot Multiplier+25% Armor Penetration |
26 | Yinglong | SMG | Smart | 30 Damage Per Hit+50% Headshot Multiplier1.15 sec lock on time |
27 | Breakthrough | Sniper Rifle | Tech | 191 Damage Per Hit+300% Headshot Multiplier+100% Armor Penetration |
28 | Comrade’s Hammer | Revolver | Tech | 559 Damage Per Hit+75% Armor Penetration |
29 | Butcher’s Cleaver | Knife | Blade | 201 Damage Per Hit+25% Armor Penetration |
30 | Ba Xing Chong | Shotgun | Smart | 1316 Damage Per Hit+50% Headshot Multiplier |
Malorian Arms 3516
Just as Johnny is now a part of V, Johnny’s sweet heart handgun the Malorian Arms 3516 is an irrefutable part of V’s stash wall. It makes several appearances in Johnny Silverhand’s memories as he makes light work of Arasaka’s goons. You can get this at the end of the “Chippin’ In” side job where you and Rogue attempt to kill Adam Smasher at his hideout in an old container ship “Ebunike”. You can loot the Malorian from Grayson at the beginning of his interrogation. This mission is also important as you get several other items like a replica of Johnny’s Samurai jacket at the start of the mission and Johnny’s Porche 911 Turbo at the end of the quest. This gun has an iconic modification that increases Quick Melee Damage by 800% but expends all ammunition in the magazine.

One of the spots in V’s stash wall is reserved for The Power Sniper Rifle Overwatch. This is one of the best sniper rifles in the game, it comes equipped with a Militech HPO Kanone MAX Mk.77 Sniper Scope and a silencer that allows for silent kills without attracting attention from enemies. You will receive this weapon as a gift from Panam Palmer who takes it from Mitch during the main job “Ghost Town” and then promises it to you as a reward for helping in the rescue of Saul Bright from the Wraiths in the side job “Riders on the Storm”. Apart from getting the obvious reward of romancing Panam after her jobs, this rifle and Scorpion’s bike come as close as seconds to do her bidding.

Another fantastic weapon you can get from a potential romance of the game, the “Mox” is a shotgun that you can get from Judy Alvarez after completing one of her side jobs, “Pyramid Song”. This quest is unlocked after the quest “Pisces” in which you must take all decisions in her favor, after which you will get a call from Judy asking you to join her at the Laguna Bend Lake in the Badlands around. Talk to her and agree to dive with her. The gun “Mox” can be found on the kitchen table inside Judy’s apartment in Kabuki, Watson. The iconic modification of this gun has increased weapon handling by 40%, and if the enemy is nearby (within 3m) shock chance by 33% and knockdown chance by 200%. The gun also has a 15% reduced reload time.
The “Byakko” is arguably the best katana in the game and is exceptionally well suited to a Sandevistan build. You can get this katana as a reward for completing all gigs from “Wakako Okada” in Westbrook, once all the gigs are complete she will contact you after which you can collect the Byakko from your stash in your apartment. Once collected, place it back in the stash for it to appear on V’s Stash wall.
Apart from the gigs themselves being a lot of fun, this sword itself is reason enough to do them all, especially if you are running a Sandevistan build due to its iconic modifiers. Byakko’s modifier increases the bleed chance by 10%. It more importantly provides a 10-second buff after every kill which increases attack speed by 17.5% and removes the pause between the three light attack combos.
Not that it lacks in utility and damage, it excels there too actually, but the “Errata” is worth having just for how visually striking it is; unlike any other katana, it has a black body with red accents, and instead of the usual sharp metallic edge, the Errata has a glowing tempered blade which is representative of its iconic modifiers. This katana can be found at the forge in the lower levels of the Electric Corporation power plant in the “Disasterpiece” main job in which you will accompany “Judy Alvarez” in rescuing “Evelyn Parker” from a scav hideout in an old power plant in Charter Hill. The iconic modifier on “Erata” allows a 10% increased chance to inflict burn and guarantees critical hits on a burning enemy.

The “Nehan” is special for many reasons, key among them is that it was carried by one of the most influential characters of the Cyberpunk universe, Saburo Arasaka, founder of the Arasaka Corporation. You can acquire Nehan from Saburo’s corpse after his son “Yorinobu” strangles him to death and leaves his suite in “Konpeki Plaza” during the main job “The Heist”; alternatively, if missed in the story mission, you can buy it from the arms dealer “Herold Lowe” whom you will meet as soon as you enter “Dog Town” at the EBM Petrochem Stadium. You can buy several other missed iconic weapons as well from Lowe, however, beware of the hefty price tag on them. As for the iconic modifier, it causes the Nehan to always apply bleeding on whichever enemy it is thrown.
Whichever way you acquire it, it will regardless show up in its spot on V’s stash wall. It can also be nicely paired with another iconic weapon, the Satori (a katana found in the same job), where if an enemy is already bleeding from a Satori strike, the Nehan will cause hemorrhaging, which heals you equal to the damage it inflicts on an enemy.

The “Satori” can be obtained right after picking up the Nehan by taking the stairs to the roof from the suite instead of immediately escaping, eliminating the guards near Saburo’s AV, and looting the Satori from the AV. The Satori has its unique features among the iconic katanas, apart from having “Saburo Arasaka” as the former owner. Once obtained, it will appear in one of the slots in V’s stash wall.
The iconic modifier will allow you to perform leap attacks when holding down the attack button when unsheathed like other katanas but will also allow you to perform a Quickdraw Attack when it is sheathed by holding down the attack button, which is guaranteed to inflict bleeding. As before, if the enemy is already bleeding from a Nehan attack, an attack from the Satori will then cause hemorrhaging.

The “Jinchu-maru” belongs to the solo and cyberninja “Oda Sandayu” who is the personal bodyguard of “Hanako Arasaka” and is the former colleague and comrade of “Takemura”. Jinchu-maru can be acquired from Oda after defeating him in a boss fight during the “Play it Safe” main job. The iconic modifier on this all-black steel beauty allows you to perform Leap Attacks while optical camouflage is on and guarantees crit hits. It also deals an extra 10% damage to elite enemies.

Blue Fang
Another slot on V’s stash wall belongs to the “Blue Fang”, the iconic version of the neurotoxin knife and by the looks of this beautiful blade, has an extra dose of neurotoxin coated all over it. Unlike most other iconic weapons, the Blue Fang can be outright purchased from the Melee Weapon Vendor in Jackson Plains (Badlands), perhaps as a reward for players who take the time to explore everything in the game, even a melee weapon vendor way out in the bad-lands. The iconic modifier on this weapon stuns enemies, enemies hit in the head get stunned after one second while those hit anywhere else get stunned after three seconds. If the enemies have not acquired you, they will get stunned immediately.

Right next to the Blue Fang on V’s stash wall is the slot for the “Headhunter” which is the iconic version of the Punknife. The purple grip and bronze blade give the Headhunter a unique and striking appearance among knives. Like the Blue Fang, this fine blade can also be directly purchased from a Melee Weapon Vendor in West Wind Estate (Pacifica). When the headhunter hits an enemy, it “marks” that enemy, such that the next headshot, from any weapon receives 250% more damage, whereby the headhunter is returned to you and the mark is cleared.

“Crash” is a powerful revolver given to you by “River Ward” at the end of the side job “Following the River” as a token of appreciation for helping him rescue his nephew Randy. The iconic modifier on this gun allows the weapon to fire like an automatic until the trigger is released or the cylinder is empty; the modifier also decreases recoil by 40% and bullet spread by 50%. The weapon itself is not anything special, but for all the completionists out there, it is needed to complete V’s stash wall.

La Chingona Dorada
It is heart warming to see there is a special spot for Jackie’s in iconic pistols in V’s stash wall. “La Chingona Dorada” is a duo of beautiful iconic versions of the Nue pistol carried by your best choom, “Jackie Welles”. To get this weapon, you must tell Delamain to take Jackie’s body back to his family at the end of the main job “The Heist”, attend his funeral at El Coyote Cojo in the “Heroes” side job, and come back to El Coyote Cojo after 24 hours to find La Chingona Dorada at the offrenda table. The iconic modifier on this weapon allows a 10% increased crit chance as well as burn chance with each headshot and these increases can be stacked with each additional headshot until the clip (10 rounds) runs out. Each headshot will also cause the gun to restock ammo equal to the number of headshots within one clip, the next time it is equipped. Jackie used to carry two of these but you can only wield one.
“Skippy” is a very unique weapon as it will talk to you through its AI. Skippy can be found at the location of a side job icon in Vista Del Ray (Heywood) next to a corpse in an alley. When picked up you can pick one of two modes “Puppy loving pacifist” or “Stone Cold Killer” which lock on to the legs or the head, respectively. Skippy will count how many people you kill with it and after 50 kills it will request you to change the mode where you get to pick again based on what dialogue options you go with. Skippy can be unreliable though, as it can inadvertently fire at enemies in stealth or out of combat without command or even miss enemies, however, that is part of this talking smart pistol so perhaps use it on easier jobs and use something more potent to fight Maxtac. Skippy will often say small phrases mid-combat like “new magazine detected, thanks choom” but if you find yourself annoyed by the “Lippy” gun, just put it in the stash and it will silently fill its spot on V’s Stash wall.

This stylish, engraved revolver is an iconic version of the Overture revolver and belongs to “Kerry Eurodyne” who will gift it to you after you perform with him in the side job “A Like Supreme”. Each successive hit will apply shock damage of 33% for 2 seconds and you can stack it 3 times. If you get a shock chance above 75%, you can deal 33% increased damage and a 10% knockdown chance.

Plan B
“Plan B” is an iconic version of the Liberty pistol owned by “Dexter DeShawn”. You can get this gun from Dex’s corpse at the Municipal landfill just after you escape Arasaka with “Takemura” or just after Act 1 in other words. The iconic modifier on this gun allows it to shoot eddies instead of ammo, which might not be an issue if you’re rolling in dough and might even come in handy in the unlikely event that you are out of ammo, perhaps that is why it is called “Plan B”. The gun also has a 10% higher chance of causing the enemy to bleed.
You might not want to waste your eddies by using this gun, instead, showcase it on V’s Stash wall to let everyone know you are not to be crossed again.

“Seraph” is a beautiful gold-plated, engraved, and iconic version of the Liberty pistol and is given to you by “Sebastian ‘Padre’ Ibarra” after you complete all of his gigs. Upon completing all the gigs, Padre will send you a text with words of appreciation and inform you that the Seraph is in your stash, simply open your stash and equip it or let it display on V’s stash wall. The iconic modifier on this gun allows it to fire explosive rounds which, if hit the enemy, have a 10% chance to apply a burn which can be stacked with successive hits until the clip runs out.
Sasquatch’s Hammer
“Sasquatch’s Hammer” is a two-handed heavy weapon that can be looted from the Animals boss Sasquatch after defeating her in a boss fight during the main job “I Walk the Line” or if you don’t fight her you can buy it from the arms dealer “Herold Lowe” in Dogtown. This is a very heavy weapon and will slow all movement down when you wield it, however, what you lose in speed you gain in damage. The iconic modifiers on this hammer will increase its knockdown chance by 30% for fast attacks and 50% for Strong attacks. The modifier also adds 50% Armor penetration.
We chose to put it on display on V’s stash wall to have more carrying capacity as this thing is seriously heavy.
Bloody Maria
“Bloody Maria” is the iconic version of the Tactician shotgun and is just as mean as the name implies. Similar to when you finish all gigs from other fixers, once you finish all gigs from Muamar ‘El Capitan’ Reyes in Santo Domingo, he will text you with words of thanks and inform you that Bloody Maria awaits you in your stash. The Bloody Maria has the most satisfying kills in the game due to its high dismemberment chance and is among the most effective shotguns as it has only slightly lower damage than other iconic shotguns which it makes up in clip size and rate of fire. The iconic modifier increases the dismemberment chance, increases the bleed chance by 20%, and knockdown chance by 10%. Upon each dismemberment it inflicts, you will gain a 10-second buff which you can stack 5 times, which will increase crit chance by 10% and reduce reload time by 6% per stack.
Moron Labe
You might have seen an assault rifle shaped slot in V’s stash wall but not know which one it belongs to. “Moron Labe” is an iconic version of the Ajax assault rifle. Its crafting spec can be obtained by looting the corpse of scav leader Anton Kolev in the NCPD Scanner Hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity (West Wind Estate)”. The iconic modifier increases its knockdown chance by 10% as well as its dismemberment chance. For each dismemberment, crit chance and attack speed are increased by 5% for 10 seconds, you can stack this up to 5 times.

Lexington x-MOD2
The first weapon you can display on V’s stash wall is Lexington x-MOD2, an Iconic variant of the M-10AF Lexington. You can get it in the side job “Shoot To Thrill” by weapons vendor “Robert Wilson” for getting first place in his shooting competition. The X-MOD2 comes with a ClearVue Mk.8 Long Scope and an iconic modifier that improves weapon handling and applies an all-time 50% headshot multiplier.
Another weapon that can be displayed on V’s stash wall is the “Buzzsaw” is the colorful iconic version of the Pulsar submachinegun, a high rate of fire makes this beauty ideal for spraying the yard, i.e., when you don’t have time to focus on individual enemies and weak points and would rather send a wall of lead on each of them and move on quickly. The iconic modifier increases the penetration power of standard rounds, allowing you to inflict damage through light cover, it also has a 40% increased damage to limbs and an increased chance of causing dismemberment. The crafting spec for the Buzzsaw can be looted from scavenger leader “Yelena Sidorova” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Vice Control”.
Psalm 11:6
You can literally rain fire on your foes with this iconic version of the Copperhead assault rifle. From the fire decal decorating it to the modifier augmenting it, everything about this gun is fire, pun intended. Crafting spec for this gun can be looted from the Malestrom boss “Tom Ayer” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No”. The iconic modifier on the Psalm allows it to fire explosive rounds that deal thermal damage and it has a burn chance of up to 30%.

The Headsman
Another iconic version of the Tactician shotgun, the “Headsman” belongs on V’s stash wall but it has a completely different nature than its cousin Bloody Maria. Unlike Bloody Maria which has a high dismemberment chance and buffs on each dismemberment, the Headsman, as the name implies, rewards you for headshots. The iconic modifier on it will increase loading speed and accuracy by 10% for 5 seconds if you can score a headshot and guarantee crit damage if you hit another headshot right after. Other than the headshot buffs, the mod also adds a 20% knockdown chance, 25% crit chance, and 50% crit damage.

Sometimes, you gotta ditch the shiny tech weapons of 2077 and go old school with this iconic Wooden stock version of the Igla shotgun that reminds you of your grandad; using it up close on your enemies will make you wonder if maybe he was on to something. The crafting spec for this weapon can be looted from the Tyger Claw “Shinobu Amai” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Modern Labor Market”. The iconic modifier on this gun guarantees crit damage if the enemy is hit in a 2.5 m radius. If you shoot an enemy in the torso, a six-second buff is applied which increases movement speed by 3.6%, reduces reload time by 5% per stack, and can be stacked 5 times.
Dying Night
Another slot on V’s stash wall can be filled early by acquiring “Dying Night”. This is an iconic version of the Lexington pistol and can be acquired from “Robert Wilson” at his gun shop in the side job “The Gun” early in the game. The unique small bayonet on the gun allows you to deal 150% more melee damage which also has a chance to shock enemies. The iconic modifier increases damage by 25% if the gun is used while moving.
Smart weapons, with their advanced lock-on capabilities, fulfill most expectations, but the truly iconic ones stand out as the pinnacle. These exceptional weapons not only meet but exceed your anticipations, unveiling enhancements and capabilities beyond imagination. “Yinglong” is the iconic version of the G-58 Dian smart submachinegun and its crafting spec can be looted from the Animal boss “Denzel Cryer” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Living the Big Life”. Once crafted and placed in the stashed, it will automatically appear on V’s stash wall.
The Yinglong has a 6.6% chance of delivering an EMP blast in a 3 m radius of a target hit, and it has a 10% added chance to shock the enemy.

It’s not just in the name, “Breakthrough” is the iconic version of the Nekomata sniper rifle and it will allow you to shoot through walls. The crafting spec for this exceptional sniper can be looted from the sixth street boss “Olga Elisabeth Longmead” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity: New Boss, New Rules”. The iconic modifier on this gun will allow shots to penetrate cover (even walls) regardless of charge level.
Comrade’s Hammer
If it was not for the sake of completing V’s stash wall, we would advise to not get this weapon. This is only because it is so powerful that it almost ruins the game. “Comrade’s Hammer” is the iconic version of the RT-46 Burya tech pistol and is nothing like it. Unlike the base model which can fire four rounds that penetrate cover, this one carries one round that is a grenade. The iconic modifier increases damage by 260%, crit damage by 50%, burning chance by 30%, and reload time by 20%. If a quick melee attack is landed on an enemy or vehicle, the gun reloads automatically. The crafting spec for this gun can be looted from a sixth street ganger “Darius Miles” in the NCPD scanner hustle “Suspected Organized Crime Activity (Arroyo)”.

Butcher’s Cleaver
The name says what it is, “Butcher’s Cleaver” is a butcher’s cleaver, a bloody one at that aptly speaks to its iconic modifier, i.e., a 20% increased chance to cause bleeding and a five-second increase in bleed duration. The modifier also increases attack speed by 13% if you attack a bleeding enemy or start a bleed while reducing the stamina cost of attacks by 40%; this buff can be stacked up to three times. You can pick the cleaver up in the main job “M’ap Tann Pèlen” after “Placide” butchers the chicken and leaves it on the table.

Ba Xing Chong
The last weapon for completing V’s stash wall is the “Ba Xing Chong”. This iconic version of the L-69 Zhuo smart shotgun only has one problem and that is you only get its crafting spec after you defeat “Adam Smasher” at the end of the game and loot the access token for his personal weapon stash aboard the Ebunike, so you can mop up some remaining jobs with this exceptional shotgun. As for the abilities granted to this gun by its iconic modifier, it can target six enemies simultaneously, it fires smart explosive projectiles, each of which deals thermal damage to enemies in a 2.5 m radius along with a high chance to dismember and a small chance to burn. If you are below 25% health and using this gun, it will have a 40% lower reload time, 50% higher crit chance and you will take 45% reduced damage.