Uhl Palace Ruins is an underground location in the Elden Ring. This can be accessed by using the Ainsel River. This location is divided into two parts and both require different ways to reach it. Additionally, it’s home to a weapon called WIng of Astel. If you want to know more about this location, continue reading below.
There are no particular requirements to enter the first pathway to the Uhl Palace ruins as it is revealed quite early. You Can go there whenever you like by accessing the two pathways given below. However, the second one has a special requirement that is connected to the Ranni the Witch’s questline.
How to reach the Uhl Palace Ruins?
First Pathway to Uhl Palace Ruins
Start from the Study Hall Entrance site of grace, go towards the north and you’ll soon see a large circular building. A Golem would be guarding it but you can easily avoid him by circling the building. This will take you to the Ainsel River Well depths.

From here, turn right and keep going until you see a fork in the path. Take the lower/left path and continue. Take right on the next turn and climb up the stones. Continue through the cave until you see a large statue outside the cave. This is the entrance to the Uhl Palace Ruins.
Second pathway to Uhl Palace Ruins
The second way to reach the Uhl Palace Ruins requires the completion of Ranni the Witch’s questline. Once you give her the Fingerslayer Blade for her quests, the location of Renna’s Rise will be unlocked. This is the name of the first tower from the right in the Three Sisters location, which is part of the Liurnia of the Lakes region.

Once unlocked, go towards the top of the tower by first climbing the ladder and then the stairs on the outer side of the tower. In the top room, you’ll find a teleporter which will take you straight to the Ainsel River Main.
From where you land, turn south and keep going towards this general direction until you see some ruins and a path going down. Go down this area and cross the cave-like structure. You’ll soon find yourself in the Uhl Palace Ruins.
What can be found in the Uhl Palace Ruins?
If you enter from the northern side (from the well), go towards the Nokstella, the Eternal City site of grace just beside the Uhl Palace ruins. As soon as you get the prompt to enter Uhl Palace ruins, you’ll find one body on the column. Jump on it to get the Smithing Stone[4]. Then jump towards the left landing to get Celestial Dew from here.
Jump down to the ground and get Golden Rune[1] by the water. Next find a waterfall nearby and climb up the ladder beside it. Stay towards the right side until you see a drop. Go down then climb up the next path.
Look for a pillar and walk towards it to spot a chest. Open it to reveal the Wing of Astel, a weapon. This is a curved sword and scales decently with Intelligence, Dexterity and Strength. Its strong attack uses no FP for its magical effect. Wing is Astel also comes with a Skill named Nebule which sends forth a cloud of stars that burst one after another.
If you enter through the eastern side, as soon as you enter the palace, you’ll see a corpse with Golden Rune[1]. Turn left to spot another corpe further away. Interact with it to get another Golden Rune[3]. By the left wall, a Smithing Stone[1] would be found. Now go near the right side and get the Golden Rune[2] from the corpse and Ghost Glovewort[1] from behind this wall.