Palworld is as much an exploration game as a Survival game where getting around on foot is extremely inefficient. You will have to manage for the first few levels but make sure to unlock the saddle as soon as you capture a Pal that can be used as a Ground Mount. There are quite a few options in the game but some ground mounts are significantly better than others. The best ground mount you can have in the early game is Direhowl. However, before you can capture it and craft its saddle, you will have to manage with slower mounts like Melpacca and Rushoar.
Before you can use any Pal as a Ground Mount, you must craft its saddle by unlocking the recipe from the Technology Menu and then using a Pal Workbench to craft it. This guide will list down all the best Ground Mounts in Palworld along with the level at which you can craft its saddle. We will also mention all the ingredients needed to craft the saddle to make the job easier for you.
Best ground Mount in Palworld, Ranked
5. Direhowl
Level required: 9
Though not much of a fighter, Direhowl is one of the fastest Ground Mounts you can acquire in the early game of Palworld. It has a high sprint speed of 1050 and also possesses a Charge ability that can be used to cover more ground quickly.
You could also go for Eikthyrdeer that also has a charge ability and a double jump on top of that but all things considered, Direhowl is still a better ground mount.
Saddle Ingredients:
- Leather x10
- Fiber x15
- Wood x20
- Paldium Fragment x10
Where to Find Direhowl
Direhowl can be found in abundance in the following areas highlighted in yellow.

4. Fenglope
Level required: 26
Fenglope makes for an excellent mid-game Ground Mount in Palworld. Fenglope beats all the other mid-game ground Mount Pals in terms of walking and sprinting speed but the thing that sets it at the top of the others is the insanely high Double Jump.
Saddle Ingredients:
- Leather x30
- Fiber x30
- Ingot x20
- Paldium Fragment x40
- Cloth x20
Where to Find Fenglope
Fenglope can easily be found as an Alpha Pal World Boss at the coordinates
Or a bunch of regular versions of this Pal in the area near the coordinates -530, -652.

3. Pyrin/Pyrin Noct
Level required: 30/33

A little further along your playthrough, you will have the opportunity to capture 2 of the best ground Mounts in Palworld – Pyrin or Pyrin Noct. Both of these have the same stats as Ground Mounts so the choice between them is completely reliant on your aesthetic preferences. Both of these Pals are much faster than any other Ground Mount in Palworld except for the End-Game Legendary Pals and Pyrin will carry you well through the final stages of Palworld as well.
Saddle Ingredients:
- Leather x25
- Fiber x30
- Flame Organ x20
- Ingot x15
- Paldium Fragment x25
Where to Find Pyrin
Pyrin is found at the northern part of the western end of the map during the day and Pyrin Noct will be al over the area during the Night.

2. Paladius
Level required: 49
Paladius is the only Ground Mount in Palworld that can perform a Triple-Jump. It is also the second fastest Ground Mount for walking and Running in Palworld. That being said it is not accessible until you beat it in a Level 50 boss fight on the northern edge of the Desiccated Desert.
Saddle Ingredients:
- Leather x100
- Ingot x300
- Paldium Fragment x85
- Refined Ingot x200
Where to Find Paladius
Paladius can be found in the same location as Necromus
1. Necromus
Level required: 49
If you are going after Paladius, you might as well capture Necromus as you will have to fight both of them at the same time. If you are however, only going after Necromus, you can head to its boss fight in the northeast part of the Desiccated Desert at night as Paladius will be sleeping an you can take on Necromus alone.
Both Paladius and Necromus are two of the best Ground Mounts in Palworld but Necromus is much faster than Paladius. Necromus does not have the triple jump ability so you will have to choose your ground mount based on whether you want more speed or the triple jump. We prefer our Mounts in Palworld faster and that is the only reason Necromus ranks higher than Paladius on this list.
Saddle Ingredients:
- Leather x100
- Ingot x300
- Paldium Fragment x85
- Refined Ingot x200
Where to Find Necromus
Unlike other Nocturnal Pals in Palworld Necromus will be at its location around the clock