Cyberpunk 2077 features a harrowing story of betrayal and survival set in a dark and twisted dystopian world. Along your journey, you will be fully immersed in the open world of Night City and treacherous Badlands while chasing multiple leads to help you get rid of the ticking time bomb in your head. Eventually, you will come across the Point of No Return in the main campaign of Cyberpunk 2077. After which you will have to choose one of the various endings to V’s story. You will be locked into that ending until you complete the game.
This guide will tell you exactly where the point of No Return in Cyberpunk is and what you must do before crossing it.
Point of No Return in Cyberpunk 2077
You will come across the Point of No Return in Cyberpunk 2077 upon starting the Nocturne Op55N1 main mission. This is where you have to meet Hanako Arasaka at Embers. The mission only becomes available after having completed the “Transmission” and “Search and Destroy” missions. You will also be met with a clear message stating that this is the Point of No Return before entering the Embers so it is pretty hard to miss.
Nocturne Op55N1
Nocturne Op55N1 is the Final mission of Act 2 and the start of Act 3 of Cyberpunk 2077. Before you cross the point of No Return, the game will automatically create a Manual Save for you to return to after completing the game. However, it can’t hurt to make another Manual Save just to be sure. After starting the Nocturne Op55N1 mission you will have to choose one of the endings for the game.
The endings available to you depend on how many Side Quests and Character Questlines you have completed. Do note that once you have crossed the Point of No Return in Cyberpunk you must complete the game before you can return to the Open World or load an older save.
What should you do before the Point of No Return?

To have the maximum choices for endings in Cyberpunk, you must complete the following Questlines.
- Panam Questline – The Star Ending
- Johnny Questline – Don’t Fear the Reaper Ending
- Rogue Questline – Johnny and Rogue Ending
Aside from these, we recommend you explore the Open World of Cyberpunk as much as you can and do all Gigs and Side Jobs to get the best experience before going for the Point of No Return. This is the best way to earn EXP and Money in Cyberpunk and it will help you get the best weapons and Cyberware before starting the Act 3 of Cyberpunk 2077.
The recommended Side Quests before crossing the Point of No return are:
- Heroes
- Happy Together
- Send in the Clowns
- Sinnerman
- Dream On
- River’s Questline
- Kerry’s Questline
What Can You Do After the Point of No Return?
After completing the game and going through the End credits, you will be given an option to return to Open World. Upon choosing this you will be returned to the point before you entered Embers to meet Hanako.

You will keep everything you picked up during the ending missions in your inventory. You are then free to continue to explore the open world, complete the remaining side jobs, and even try other endings.
Even though Cyberpunk 2077 does not have a New game+ feature, the Point of No Return allows you to try different ending choices.
Point of No Return in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty
There is a separate Point of No Return for the Phantom Liberty DLC expansion. Unfortunately, it is not as forgiving as the Point of No Return for the main game. It does not give you an elaborate warning like the Nocturne Op55N1 and once you have gone past it, you are locked into a specific ending for the DLC which can also affect your main game ending choices.

The point of No Return in Cyberpunk DLC Phantom Liberty is during the mission “Firestarter” where you must make the choice of siding with either Songbird or Reed. We recommend you make a manual save before starting the Firestarter mission incase you do not like the path you choose I the DLC ending.